Wednesday 23 May 2012

Only a Toy Giraffe

I received him as a free gift when I did my weekly grocery shopping. Who’s “him” you ask! Good question. The Supermarket was having a special promotion. For several weeks, shoppers who spent over 75 dollars, would be rewarded with a soft toy; a different one each week. They were all on display to tempt us. A lion, an elephant, a monkey, a pig, a cow….. and a few others. I hadn’t seen them though, so had a happy surprise as I gathered up my grocery bags and got ready to pay my bill.

“Would you like a free soft toy with your purchases today?’ asked the friendly girl at the checkout. I was astonished but delighted with the offer! “Sure!” I responded, flashing all thirteen of my top front teeth which often seem to make an appearance when I grin! She handed me a lovely little soft toy. A little Giraffe. He looked so cute and cuddly that I took an instant liking to him. I also had a distinct feeling that God whispered in my ear that it was a gift from Him!

I had been going through a difficult season in my life. Perhaps this little giraffe was a special gift (not just from the supermarket) but from a loving Heavenly Father to comfort me and to see me through my hard times! Back home, I took the little giraffe out of the shopping bag and cradled him. Instantly, warm and fuzzy feelings engulfed me. The strength of my feelings surprised me. If I felt so loving towards an inanimate soft toy – how much more would my loving heavenly Father feel love towards me. Perhaps that’s what this ‘gift’ was about!

My husband was equally interested when I showed him our latest acquisition. “He does look cute, doesn’t he?” he agreed. We had often discussed the possibility of getting a pet. But for many reasons didn’t think we could have one. And so Raffy – our little toy giraffe became our family pet. And what a perfect pet!

Our new pet had a roundish oblong face, two cute little ears and two small brown horns. He was white with brown patches all over him. He possessed two little nostrils to breathe through. But the most appealing part of him were his melting large brown eyes which gazed soulfully at us. We were hooked!

What a wonderful difference little Raffy made in our lives!

You may laugh… but it’s true. All three of us in my family; that’s my husband, my 22 year old son and I play with him. We leave him in various places, in cute contortions, for the others to find and enjoy a throaty chuckle when they do. When I ask questions of Raffy – my husband helps him nod or shake his head. Raffy’s melting brown eyes look deep into me and he looks so lifelike that he’s cute as well as hilarious.

Whenever we watch TV, Raf sits plonk on my husband’s knee or between us. Raf greets my husband joyfully (with a little help from me), when Shan returns from work! At bedtime, Raffy walks over to the bottom of our bed and lies down, is covered by our duvet and instantly goes to sleep. (Far easier than putting a child or live pet to sleep, I should add!)

Yes, Raffy our soft toy is also Raffy our pet. I would not have believed it had I not lived it. Raffy may not be a living creature. But he made me smile and laugh so much that it was exactly the therapy I needed. He was only a toy giraffe but what a lot he did for us! He was only a soft toy but he was also so much more.

He added an extra zip to our marriage. Laughing and playing with him together reminded us of how we’d play with our son when he was little. An extra dose of enjoyment has now crept into our times together as we play and laugh together with this little tyke! So God not only reminded me how much He loved me through Raffy. He also brought an new element of fun into our family through him.

I wonder if you feel a bit discouraged today? If so, I would like to encourage you. Are you ‘only a writer?” or ‘only a Mum?” or ‘only a something else’? Are you disappointed by your writing achievements to date? Do you feel you only write children’s stories? Or only write non fiction? Or only write romance novels? Do you sometimes compare yourselves with other writers and feel that they are racing ahead in your careers while you are stuck in a groove?

Let me assure you that there is no ‘only’ about it. There is only one you and only one person who can fulfill the future God has for you. That person is YOU! So whatever you do is not an ‘only’ but an ONLY! Get the difference?

You a writer are one of a kind. God is working out His special purposes through you. Raffy was only a soft toy but what joy he brought into our lives and our home.

You may be only one writer but what a difference you make to this world.
Write on, friend… Write on! You do make a difference!!

Anusha has always been fascinated with words and the English language. She is also fascinated with life, the Universe and everything in it. She lives with 1 husband, 1 son, 1 pet giraffe, sitting at 1 computer in 1 house in 1 suburb, in 1 country in 1 world, in 1 universe, but finds a million and 1 reasons to praise her amazing Creator every day. You will find her thoughts spilling onto paper (oops... she means onto computers of course!) at her website and blog: Dancing in the Rain,


  1. Hello Anusha, What a heart warming story. Little Raffy can't make any noises but his eyes capture and hold you. We all need company and love, so now you have a little mate to sit contentedly close by. Years ago when out of my first marriage and returning to nursing, I too wanted a companion. A little gorilla stared at me in a cheap shop one day so I paid for him and took him home. I used to take him in the car with me and talk to him. His name was George, I suppose after George of the jungle.. I don't even know what became of him now. Perhaps one of my smaller grandchildren got him?
    When God made Adam he understood the need for a companion. We all need them, so now you are blessed to have yours. Much love Crystal

  2. Hi Crystal Mary,
    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on this blog. Good to hear from you as always. Lovely to hear about George - sounds a cutie. Yes, we all need companions don't we? I think Raffy added something special to our family - it's amazing how 'real' we all feel he is and how we play so much with one another thanks to Raf's presence with us. God surely knows what He's about! :)
    Blessings and thanks,
    Anusha xo
